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European Coalition on Homeopathic & Anthroposophic Medicinal Products


ECHAMP Membership Assembly 2022

Apr 27, 2022

ECHAMP 22nd annual Membership Assembly was held on 26 April, bringing together ECHAMP's Members from 14 countries across Europe.

As part of the Membership Assembly programme, the Members were able to attend two informative events with external speakers. The first addressed EU developments relating to our sector. Bernadette Krom, Chair of Pharmaceutical Affairs at ECHAMP presented an update on the EU Pharmaceutical Strategy and the implementation of its flagship initiatives – in particular the revision of the Pharmaceutical Legislation. Her presentation was followed by an intervention from Geneviève Michaux, Partner, FDA & Life Sciences, King & Spalding, who spoke about the Green Deal and sustainable corporate governance, explaining the anticipated impact of the move towards legally embedding sustainability throughout the entire supply chain.

In the afternoon, Members learnt more about latest developments in research and science in our sector. An overview from the anthroposophic sector, by Erik Baars MD PhD MSc, Senior Research Healthcare at Louis Bolk Instituut and Professor at Hogenschool Leiden, was followed by an overview from the homeopathic sector by Rachel Roberts, Chief Executive, Homeopathy Research Institute.

In addition to the informative sessions, Members received an update on progress in 2021 and an outline of ECHAMP's work programme for 2022. 

Some informal networking sessions allowed everyone a chance to catch up with old friends, despite being held online for the second year in a row.

We look forward to meeting colleagues in person at next year’s Membership Assembly, to be held 24–25 April in Sofia, Bulgaria, and to be chaired by Dr Nonna Petrova, of Bulgarian member company, Alpen Pharma. 

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