The European Federation of Homeopathic Patients' Associations (EFHPA) represents the voice of homeopathic patients in Europe and helps to develop and support the formation of national patient groups throughout Europe.
- EFHPA believes that patients have a fundamental right to patient-centred healthcare that respects their needs, preferences and values. Our role is:
- to represent patients in Europe using or seeking homeopathic treatment
- defending these patients’ rights and interests
- working towards homeopathy becoming integrated into EU healthcare policy
- to raise awareness of the benefits of homeopathy with EU healthcare authorities
- lobbies for harmonisation of the EU Directives pertinent to homeopathic medicines throughout Europe leading to equal availability of the treatments and medicines to all EU citizens
- supports the founding and development of national homeopathic patients’ organisations.
c/o BHA
CAN Mezzanine
49-51 East Road
London N1 6AH
United Kingdom