Neprofarm (Nederlandse Vereniging van de Farmaceutische Industrie van Zelfzorggeneesmiddelen en Gezondheidsproducten) is the Dutch association of the industry of OTC medicines and health products. Since January 1st 1993 Neprofarm unites manufacturers and importers of branded OTC medicines, available at drugstores and pharmacies.
As of October 1st 2002 also the manufacturers and importers of the homeopathic, anthroposophic and herbal medicines have joined Neprofarm.
Together these 25 Neprofarm members supply the major part of the Dutch OTC market with their OTC medicines and in an increasing extent also with health products.
Neprofarm aims to represent her members and their common interests, taking into account the interests of public health.
Neprofarm’s policy is primarily aimed at furthering a favourable social and political climate for self medication.