PHARMIG, the Association of the Austrian Pharmaceutical Industry, was founded in 1954 with the mission to represent the pharmaceutical industry operating in Austria. Today, the 120 member companies (April 2006) supply almost 100 percent of the Austrian pharmaceutical market. Pharmig is politically independent, and all officials serve in an honorary capacity. Pharmig’s top executive body is the Board of Management, which is elected for a period of three years, with one President and two Vice-presidents at the top. The member companies are represented in each province by delegates; moreover, they are actively involved in all aspects of the Association’s activities on several working committees and groups.
Located in Vienna, Pharmig sees itself as a central institution providing a wide range of services and support for its members without interfering with free competition. The operating management is incumbent on the General Secretary. The Communication Department is responsible for public affairs. Other departments address the key areas “Pharmaceutical Legislation, Marketing Authorisation and Medical Representatives”, “Reimbursement and Health Economics”, and "Office Management and Personnel".