Origins of anthroposophic medicine
The anthroposophic approach to medicine was founded more than eighty years ago by Rudolf Steiner PhD (1861-1925), the founder of anthroposophy, and Ita Wegman MD (1876 - 1943), a Dutch physician. It was further developed in collaboration with a number of physicians.
Anthroposophy is based on the knowledge and understanding of mankind and nature (Greek: anthropos meaning human and sophia meaning wisdom). It recognises that human beings and the natural world are related through a common evolution. It extends conventional thinking by taking into account the spiritual nature of the world. This leads to a comprehensive view of health, sickness and healing and is the basis of a specific approach to medical treatment.
Rudolf Steiner PhD (1861-1925) gave the name ‘anthroposophy’ to his spiritual philosophy, which can be understood as ‘wisdom of the human being’. His work encompassed suggestions for the renewal of many activities, including education, agriculture, medicine, economics, architecture, science, philosophy, religion and the arts. He wrote some 30 books and delivered over 6 000 lectures across Europe. In 1924 he founded the General Anthroposophical Society, which now has branches all over the world.