European Coalition on
Homeopathic & Anthroposophic
Medicinal Products

Different therapeutic approaches

Different therapeutic approaches in homeopathy - classical homeopathy, combination products, homotoxicology, isopathy, nosodes

Medical approaches in homeopathy range from highly individualised classical homeopathy, where the practitioner looks for the remedy which matches the individual patient's symptom picture, via complex homeopathy, where combination  preparations are selected on the basis of a more clinical or conventional diagnosis to specialist approaches such as homotoxicology and isotherapy.

Classical Homeopathy

Medications are chosen in strict accordance with the

Law of Similars

. The symptom picture of each medication is compared with the symptoms of the individual. The therapeutic success depends on the selection of the correct homeopathic medicine, and achieving the best possible match between the symptom picture of the medication and the symptom picture of the patient. The therapy comprises a detailed case taking considering all physical, mental and emotional symptoms and applies single-constituent homeopathic medicines only.

Combination products

Homeopathic combination products are mixtures of two or more reliable, active, homeopathic agents (single medications). The formulae for combined preparations are developed based on the clinical experience of practitioners. Such remedies are used for the treatment of numerous common illnesses.


Homotoxicology  and anti-homotoxic therapy is based on a theory of disease developed by Dr. Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg (1905-1985). It understands illness as the human body’s defence against toxic substances (homotoxins). According to this therapeutic model, the type and severity of an illness are determined by the duration and intensity of a toxin built up in relationship to the body’s inherent capacity for detoxification. When the body’s steady state is disrupted, important biological processes are hindered. The resulting disturbances, which eventually manifest as an illness, are the body’s attempt to restore a state of biochemical balance. For Reckeweg, restoring this balance was the ultimate goal of all medical treatment.


Isopathy (isotherapy) is one of the earliest innovations of homeopathy, whereby a remedy made from the supposed causative agents or products of a disease (nosode) is prescribed to a patient suffering from that same disease. They may be used to treat residual problems when an illness has been overcome in earlier stages of life and to reduce hereditary problems.


Nosodes are prescribed by classical homeopaths, homeopathic doctors, practitioners and veterinarians world-wide for the treatment of acute as well as chronic diseases. They are made from disease products of human or animal origin or from pathogenic substances. They are prepared according to methods of manufacture for homeopathic medicinal products described in official pharmacopoeia, with an emphasis on processes to produce safe, non-infectious starting material by different inactivation methods. The subsequent serial dilution adds further safety and renders them as safe as other homeopathic remedies.